06 Jul The story of a business – how two friends grew theirs from scratch
You can read an interesting interview with Claire and Natalie, founders of Our Handmade Collective, on the Talented Ladies Club website.
“Many people dream of starting a business making money their passion, and for many of us it remains just that – a dream. But not for Natalie Entwistle. Two years ago, Natalie and her friend Claire Riley started Our Handmade Collective, a shop selling creative products and crafts made by themselves and their friends. Today, they’re managing a thriving, award-winning business featuring 60 makers – and for the past year they’ve been ranked #1 for shopping in Leeds.
Our ideal customer is anyone who appreciates handmade products – who recognises the ethos behind handmade products and who appreciates the time and effort that has gone into making them.
We wanted to discover the secret to their success. So we found out how they got their business off the ground, what marketing strategies have worked for them (and which haven’t), and what’s made the biggest difference to their business.”
You can read the full interview here http://www.talentedladiesclub.com/all-help/the-story-of-a-business-how-two-friends-grew-theirs-from-scratch/